Author Guidelines
** Update 2019-08-16: Human IT currently does not accept new submissions until further notice. **
Human IT welcomes contributions in the form of articles, essays, reviews, reports from conferences and seminars, and project presentations. "Articles" may include original empirical research, conceptual/theoretical papers, and research reviews.
Human IT accepts material into four sections: Refereed section, Open section, People & Opinions, and Reviews. When submitting, the author should state which section the contribution is intended for.
- Refereed Section: Whenever it is deemed feasible, Human IT uses a "double blind" referee system, i.e., both author and referee are anonymous to each other . This is an attempt to guarantee, as far as possible, that the articles are reviewed based on quality and not on the author's earlier merits (or lack thereof). Articles that have been refereed are expected to be revised in accordance with the instructions provided by the editors. The decision to publish resides with the editors.
- Open section: Material submitted to the Open Section will be subject to review by the editors. Suitable material for this section includes but is not limited to, essays, conference reports, reports on ongoing research.
- People & Opinions: In this section is published material which is not primarily scholarly in nature, such as interviews, (descriptions of) artwork, et cetera.
- Reviews: Reviews of books and other titles of academic interest within the journal's scope. Please contact us for review copy requests.
Manuscript formatting
Text manuscript should be in RTF format or MS Word, with only minimal/basic formatting. Type the text in Times New Roman or similar standard type. For peer review manuscripts, make sure it is thoroughly anonymized and that the author bio is provided separately. This includes removing metadata which is not visible in bodytext, such as 'hidden data' in MS Word.
For non-text submissions, please contact Human IT to discuss possibilities.
Previous publishing
In the letter accompanying the article submission, the author should state if the manuscript has been previously published elsewhere or if it has been submitted to another publisher. The article should not be submitted to another publisher while it is being processed by Human IT. Material published in the Refereed section has usually not been previously published. Publication on the author's own web site is not a problem as such, but it should be stated since it may influence for instance the anonymity in the review process.
Illustrations (including tables and diagrams) should be submitted separately from the digital manuscript, with an indication in the text of where they are to be inserted. However, the illustrations should be inserted in their proper place in the hard copy.
An abstract in English (approximately 150 words) should be submitted attached to the manuscript. The abstract should provide an independent summary of the content of the article and not constitute an introduction or background to the article.
A maximum of six keywords in English describing the content of the article should be provided.
Author presentation
The submission should also include a short author presentation (approximately 50 words), including institutional/corporate affiliation, if any, and research interests. The presentation should be in the language of the article and include an e-mail address to the author/s and a URL, if applicable. For peer reviewed articles, attach author bio in a separate document.
All notes should be in the form of endnotes. References should preferably be placed within parentheses in the body text.
Before submitting, make sure references and reference list conform to Human IT's reference format guide.
Human IT publishes articles in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English.
CFPs and special issues
Submitting to a specific upcoming special issue? Please state this clearly in your letter.
Copyright for all articles rests with the author/s. The editors reserve the right to edit articles. Contributors are responsible for acquiring all permissions from the copyright owners for the use of quotations, illustrations, tables, etc.
Licence to publish
Once the article has been accepted for publication, the first author should download the "Licence to publish", print, sign, and send it to the editorial office, preferrably scanned by email. The editors will be happy to answer questions concerning the licence.
The licence we use is a slightly revised version of the general licence which has been produced by the project The Copyright Toolbox.
- Licence to publish as an RTF file.
- Licence to publish as a PDF file.
Human IT charges no author fees for submissions or publication.
** Update 2019-08-16: Human IT currently does not accept new submissions until further notice. **
Copyright Notice
The author(s) retain copyright to the articles and Human IT the copyright to all editorial material on the journal’s web site.
Users may print material from the web site and distribute it both in paper and electronically, provided correct attributions are made to the author(s) and Human IT. Re-publication of the material (which includes making it available on a web site) is not allowed in any form without the permission of the journal and/or the author(s). This does not cover the rights to publishing that are included in the "Licence to publish" signed by the author(s).